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Outdoor Class, Wonderful Moments!-----记正源六年级英语户外活动课





“I wanna travel far away, I wanna see the flying seagull....” 踏着欢快的歌声,我们出发了。


Oh, look, this is the bulletin board. 看,这是宣传栏!


Go go , let’s go. Let’s go to the playground. 操场,我们来了。


There is a canteen beside the playground. 耶,食堂门口打个卡。


Oh,look, what’s he doing? ?He’s climbing the tree. 活捉一只爬树的boy。


Can we do this? No, we can’t. It’s dangerous. Don’t do this. ?爬树危险哦, 不要这样做!


Pool, pool. There is a pool. Be careful. It’s dangerous. Don’t drop into it. 常在小池塘边边走,要小心哟,不要掉下去了!


This is the trash can. 今天我为垃圾箱代言,请大家把垃圾丢在垃圾箱。


Dormitory,dormitory,this is our dormitory. 看,这就是我们的宿舍!


What’s that? ?Wow,that is the school building. 走着走着我们来到了教学大楼前。


Look,there is a school bus. 滴滴滴,校车在此。


This is the school gate. 校门口,我们到此一游。


Square,there is a large square in Zhengyuan school. 大广场前来张大合照吧。


Wow, flowers, beautiful flowers,lovely flowers. 花,我们看到花了。经过春雨的洗礼,校园中的花骨朵不再随处可见,看到花朵的孩子们可兴奋了,都想要上前去闻闻花的芳香。


Western Hill,we are coming. 最后一站打卡点----学校西山。


Trees, these are trees ,there are some tress in the Western Hill. 号称“天然氧吧,世外桃源”之称的正源学校少不了这些郁郁葱葱树木的贡献呢。


叮叮叮,the outdoor class is over ,let’s go back to the classroom.































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